4 Little Known Ways to Get Traffic to Your Blog

Getting traffic is the priority of every blogger because you won’t be able to achieve any significant success without enough traffic. It is traffic that brings about sales. It is traffic that leads to subscribers and enough traffic will always bring more traffic.

I know there are a lot of ways to get more traffic to a blog but the reality is that so many of these tactics are being blogged about everyday that people are beginning to doubt their effectiveness. Below are some great and effective ways to generate traffic to your blog that are hardly blogged about.
Secret Blogging Communities

The number 1 traffic generation tactic on this list is making use of secret blogging communities. These communities are called secret for a reason and that reason is because they only have a few members who help each other by spreading the word about their new blog posts. Once you’re a member all you need to do is post your latest blog post and encourage others to read and tweet about it. You will also have to be sharing the post of other members to be able to remain a member of the community for a very long time.

There are several secret blogging communities but the most common ones are the twitter communities and one great community I once joined is the DailyBlogTips retweet club.

Social Blogmarking Sites

Another great source of traffic that is emerging nowadays is the use of social blogmarking sites. These sites are in the form of a social bookmarking/social voting site but the only difference is that they are unique for bloggers.

You can easily join social blogmarking sites for free and you can share and vote any content you want whenever you want. The most common social blogmarking sites are for the blogging and make money online niche however some of them support bloggers from other niches.

My favorite social blogmarking site is Blokube.

Website Groups

This particular traffic generation technique has been in place for a very long time but it is still highly underused. There are several top website groups powered by Google Groups, Yahoo Groups and LinkedIn Groups and most of these groups have thousands of followers. These groups are also very specialized and niche specific and you can easily create one for yourself if you want.

If you’re interested in finding a group to participate in you can easily visit the category of your blog to see the top groups on Google Groups or on Yahoo Groups.

Amazon Traffic System

If you take a look at most of the top searches from some of the most competitive keywords in your niche you will notice that aside from Wikipedia Amazon is one of the sites that have the top rankings in Google and other search engines. All you need to do is visit the favorite category of a popular book in your niche that is available on Amazon, write a review of the book on your blog and then comment on Amazon to review the book while at the same time pointing to the full review on your blog.

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